Wednesday, October 27, 2010


1 comment:

    First Law-How Drinking Age Affects us and what it is.
    -Drinking Age
    -Can uses images such as graphs for stats on drinking and videos
    -Any of them can be incorporated, although they all may not have to do with age discrimination many of them have to do with discrimination. The Constitution and Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission will probably relate more because they both have to do with US law.
    Second Law
    -Age of Consent-What is the Age of Consent and how does it affect our choices
    -Use video, tables, links, and graphs to show stats and other information on this law
    -The best most related text from class to this subject is the Constitution and Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission because it talks of US law. Although the others texts in class can be related that deal with discrimination, such as Iron Jawed Angel and Wollstonecraft.
    Third Law
    -Age of Criminal Responsibility-what is Criminal Responsibly and how does it affect juveniles.
    -I can use videos, table, links and graphs to shoe information on the age of criminals, if they remain criminals and more.
    - The best most related text from class to this subject is the Constitution and Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission because it talks of US law. Although the others texts in class can be related that deal with discrimination, such as Iron Jawed Angel and Wollstonecraft.
    - I disagree with all three of these laws. I think they should be changed a little in order to be better and more just.
    - Age Classifications in laws affect how we make choices and what choices we make. If we cannot do something under the law we are less likely to do it while at the same time if the law doesn’t affect us as much as adults are affected in a certain crime we are more likely to do it. If we choose to obey these laws we are more likely to be a law abiding citizen in the future and vice versa. Many people want to fit in and partying and drinking are a main way. People are going to get alcohol if they want to but if it illegal to do so they wont feel as bad about breaking other laws.
