Friday, November 19, 2010

How Tech Has Welcomed Diversity

Now that the History of Georgia Tech's Racism has been observed does it still linger any today at Georgia Tech? In what ways has Tech dealt with racism and how does its campus and students support diversity.  Georgia Tech today is one of the most diverse colleges in the world. People from all over the globe come here to further their education and take their first step into the world. Whatever race or ethnicity you can imagine their is a good chance that they are represented at Tech. Georgia Tech has at least one student from each state in the United States and students from about one-hundred other countries in the world. Georgia Tech is about sixty-six percent white and thirty-four percent other races and cultures. This is an especially big difference from our fellow Georgia colleges and other colleges in the world.Tech’s cafeteria has even accommodated other nationalities by having different styles of food from around the world.

Georgia Tech has identified diversity as one of its highest priorities and is constantly developing new ways and initiatives in the area of diversity. Georgia Tech has a Diversity Leadership Network comprised of the Institute Steering Committee on Diversity (ISCD), the Campus Diversity Reporting Committee and the Diversity Forum. Each of these have a different role and way they attribute to diversity. The ISCD gives executive oversight and makes sure that there is funding for diversity strategies, while the Campus Diversity Reporting Committee collects data and sees how affective diversity initiatives are. The Diversity Forum is mostly a student driven piece, mainly focused on creating programmatic initiatives. Tech also has other organizations that have to do with diversity such as the Institute Diversity and the Office of Diversity Programs. The Diversity Programs mission is to provide an approach for meeting the needs of underrepresented populations or minorities by creating and planning educational opportunities which enhance interaction and learning across different groups and cultures. Through its programs and services, the Office assists the students in appreciating and embracing the cultural diversity which exists in the college. There are also many student organizations that have to do with diversity and race. Examples of some of the student organizations that take initiative in diversity are The Black Graduate Association, The Chinese Student Association and many more depending on race and cultural backgrounds.  These organizations are there specifically for the race of the name for the organization. The help people of that race to graduate, to create a social network for them not only to each other but to the faculty, staff and industry for job help in the future, some represent the interest of that race to the student body and help the community in general. Other examples of initiatives taken are the FOCUS program, the EMERGE alliance, the SURE program, the FACES foundation and the BEST partnership.

All these programs focus on minorities and are there to help them in any way that they can and possible. As seen from above Tech is there for the students no matter what the race or background and want to help them have as bright a future as possible. Tech is very good at giving all students the same opportunities regardless of race and culture. Tech has dealt with racism by embracing diversity and making Tech a place for anyone to be comfortable and welcome at.

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